EFT has been shown to be highly effective in addressing a variety of emotions, as well as physical issues, such as: anxiety, stress, PTSD, headaches, pain, phobias, and other issues. This tool is often called “acupressure” for emotions and has origins in ancient Chinese Medicine.
EFT is a powerful tool that calms the body by making a mind-body connection.
During an EFT sequence, we tap our fingertips on acupressure points on our face and body while tuning in to a problem that is bothering us.
The tapping balances the energy surrounding the negative thought and neutralizes the emotion.
This tapping technique works on the body’s energy systems.
All energy therapies say there is a vital energy that flows throughout the body. That energy flow can be blocked or reversed, causing negative reactions.
Once the pain is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself. And, a person doesn’t have to believe in EFT for it to work!
According to Ann Adams in “EFT Level 1 Comprehensive Training Resource”:
EFT is like hypnotherapy but adds extra power to the process because it integrates the body’s subtle energies and it allows hypnotherapy to take the process even deeper.
EFT works hand in hand with talk therapy, with the advantage that it allows us to get to the issues quickly and resolve them more thoroughly.
EFT blends perfectly with cognitive behavioral therapy because it helps bring up the issues more quickly and creates deeper cognitive shifts.
EFT is like systematic desensitization, except it is much gentler and often quicker.
If you are interested in the Emotional Freedom Technique and would like to learn more about how this technique can help you, contact me for a free phone consultation.